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Association for Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing

A chapter of VAIP - Vietnam Association for Information Processing

Sponsorship Invitation Letter

(please scroll down for downloading the Vietnamese version of this letter)

Dear Sponsors,

Since 2012, the Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing (VLSP) research group of the Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, has collaborated with other VLSP research groups from universities and institutes to host a series of the international VLSP workshops, in conjunction with international scientific conferences held in Vietnam. Workshop activities include scientific presentations, discussion for the development of VLSP community, demonstration of VLSP products, and organization of campaigns to evaluate the performance of Vietnamese language processing tools.

In 2018, the VLSP workshop will be held on March 24, 2018, in conjunction with the International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLING 2018 ( The preparation process of the workshop has started since late August 2017 with the launch of the evaluation campaign on four Vietnamese Speech and Language Processing tasks. At the workshop, the campaign results will be announced, technical reports of participants will be presented, and discussion about the development of VLSP community will also take place.

Four tasks of VLSP 2018 include:

  1. Named Entity Recognition (NER): Two types of data will be considered, i.e., online newspapers and social media texts (persons, organizations, and locations).
  2. Sentiment Analysis (SA): The task in this campaign will focus on aspect-based sentiment analysis on reviews and comments of banks.
  3. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR): Speech recognition with Northern, Central, and Southern dialects.
  4. Text to Speech (TTS): Speech synthesis for one or more regions (Northern, Central, and Southern).

In order to successfully organize the workshop, the organizers of VLSP 2018 welcome the sponsorship from companies, university, institutes, and R&D groups related to Vietnamese language processing in Vietnam as well as abroad, in the one of the following forms:

  1. Contributing labelled data for building training and test data for NER and SA tasks.
  2. Funding for building training and test data as well as evaluation tools for NER, SA, ASR, and TTS tasks.

The data developed for VLSP workshop will be shared with the community for research as well as developing VLSP toolkits. Therefore, the sponsorship of companies, university, institutes, and R&D groups is extremely meaningful to the development of VLSP community.

Sponsorship packages can be below 30 million VNDs for small companies (Level 1), 30-50 million VNDs for medium ones (Level 2), or over 50 million VNDs for large ones ( Level 3).

  • Common interests: 1) logos will appear in the website and banners of VLSP 2018 workshop; 2) can access to training data developed for the campaign; 3) be advised by technical experts on the development of NER, SA, ASR, and TTS systems if required.
  • Specific Interests: promoted on the VLSP website ( within 24 months (level 2) or 36 months (level 3)

For financial support, please contact with the representative organization, the Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology. Person in charge is Assoc. Prof. Luong Chi Mai. Email:

Thank you for supports!

Assoc. Prof. Luong Chi Mai.



Sponsors and Partners

VinBIGDATA   VinIF  AIMESOFT  bee  Dagoras            


 zalo    VTCC  VCCorp