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Association for Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing

A chapter of VAIP - Vietnam Association for Information Processing

VLSP 2013 - Evaluation campaign

Evaluation campaign

This first VLSP evaluation campaign deals with two different tasks. One concerns the very essential tools for Vietnamese language processing, i.e. word segmentation and POS tagging. The other concerns one of the most important NLP applications - the machine translation task.

The participants to the evaluation campaign will be asked to present their system in a dedicated paper. All well-formed system papers will be accepted after review and presented as an oral talk or poster in the scientific paper session.

Vietnamese word segmentation and POS tagging Task

Word segmentation and POS tagging are basic and difficult tasks in NLP, especially for isolating languages like Vietnamese in which compound words belong to the core of the language and the parts-of-speech are not well defined in the linguistic literature. A national project on Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing finished successfully in 2009 has brought to the researchers fundamental NLP tools and resources, thus initiating the appropriate setting to go further in researching, developing and deploying useful software applications in the field.

This campaign aims at automatically evaluating Vietnamese word segmentation and POS tagging systems, in order to encourage scientists to use and evaluate resources and tools from the VLSP project and permit to promote the most efficient methods for these basic tasks for Vietnamese processing.

The details about this campaign are provided on the Evaluation Campaign page.

Translation Task

Machine translation is one of the traditional and difficult tasks in the field of NLP. Recently, due to the rapidly increasing amount of data and computing power in ubiquitous environments, the development of Vietnamese-related translation systems has attracted not only academic institutes but also R&D units from companies, both from inland Vietnam and overseas, even at the global scope.

This campaign aims to create an authentic environment to automatically and manually evaluate translation system so that it helps to boost the research on Machine Translation of the Vietnamese Language Technology community. We also welcome research groups improve the methods and bring their systems into the real-world scenario. Further domestic and international collaborations on the field are included in our goals.

Sponsors and Partners

VinBIGDATA   VinIF  AIMESOFT  bee  Dagoras            


 zalo    VTCC  VCCorp