VLSP 2023 - Guidelines to shared task participants
Accepted papers will be submitted to be published in the Journal of Computer Science and Cybernertics and in the archive of ACL Anthology.
Here are some instructions to the teams participating to the VLSP workshop.
- For each shared task, all participants should submit their technical report using the ACL Anthology standard template, according the outline given at the end of this page. You can submit your paper via Easychair.
Paper outline (suggestion):
Abstract: 1-2 paragraphs about the challenge, the models tried, results, lessons learned.
- Introduction: Should include problem formalization, challenges that you meet in the shared task.
- Methodology/Proposed Model
- Your solution/proposal with different techniques, models attempted
- What is your contribution
- The final solution in the detailed algorithmic description, including parameter settings, processing time, machine specs (memory, CPU, GPU, etc)
3. Experiment & Analysis
- Setting environment, hyper-parameters, training strategy... that you need to perform to do your experiments
- Comparative tables/figures of results and how it evolved over experiments
- Computational processing times and resources required
4. Discussion:
Lessons Learned
- What worked and what did not work
- Unique domain/data specific insights that you have uncovered
5. Conclusion
- Summary
- Potential future work
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