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Association for Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing

A chapter of VAIP - Vietnam Association for Information Processing

VLSP 2012 - Workshop Program

8h30-8h45: Registration
8h50-9h15:  Invited talk:  Vietnamese Word Sketches (Adam Kilgarriff and Phuong Le Hong) 
9h15-9h30:  A Robust Vietnamese Voice Server for Automated Directory Assistance Application (Duong Dau Ngoc Ha, Minh Le Ha, Cuong Le Quoc and Quan Vu) 
9h30-9h45:  iSago: The Vietnamese Mobile Speech Assistant for Food-court and Restaurant Location  (Hue Nguyen, Truong Tran, Nhi Le, Nhut Pham and Quan Vu) 
9h45-10h00: The Development of Vietnamese Corpora Toward Speech Translation System (Thang Vu and Mai Luong Chi) 
10h00-10h15: Coffee break 
10h15-10h30: A Vietnamese Part-of-speech Tagging based on Maximum Entropy Bidirectional Dependency Network Model (An Nguyen and Dien Dinh) 
10h30-10h45: An effective context-based method for Vietnamese word segmentation (Ngoc Anh Tran, Thanh Tinh Dao and Phuong Thai Nguyen)
10h45-11h00: Identifying and Reordering Chinese Preposition for Chinese-Vietnamese Machine Translation (Phuoc Tran Thanh and Dien Dinh) 
11h00-12h00: Activity reports of VLSP groups. 

Sponsors and Partners

VinBIGDATA   VinIF  AIMESOFT  bee  Dagoras            


 zalo    VTCC  VCCorp