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Association for Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing

A chapter of VAIP - Vietnam Association for Information Processing

VLSP 2015 - Call for papers

Workshop website:

Workshop objectives:

Once predominantly the domain of rule-based methods, today’s natural language and speech processing is mostly concerned with data-driven techniques and machine learning approaches. In the framework of the PAKDD conference, the VLSP workshop will contribute to show the application of data mining techniques in the domain of natural language and speech processing.

VLSP workshops emphasize on the recent studies and research on Vietnamese language and speech, ranging from basic theories to applications. VLSP 2015 follows its traditional footsteps, offering a forum for linguists and computer scientists to present and discuss their work on Vietnamese processing, either in a monolingual or multilingual framework.

As the 14th most spoken language in the world, with an important diaspora living abroad, Vietnamese attracts the attention of many research teams throughout the world. Previous editions of VLSP were mostly concerned with bringing together researchers from the Vietnamese community, but this year we aim at stimulating contact and exchange between researchers on VLSP from inside and outside of Vietnam.

We encourage contributions concerned with any topics of Spoken Processing, Natural Language Processing and their derived applications. Research into original generic methods for language and speech processing with a view to better take into account some specific features of the Vietnamese language family (tones, isolating language structure…) are also welcome.

Workshop topics:

We call for original papers in any area related to the workshop scope, including but not limited to:
Natural Language Processing (monolingual or multilingual) for Vietnamese

  • Linguistic resources
  • Language modeling
  • Word segmentation and POS tagging
  • Syntactic structures and grammars
  • Semantic analysis
  • Machine translation (Vietnamese vs. European languages, Vietnamese vs. Asian languages)
  • Information retrieval
  • Question answering
  • Text summarization

Spoken Language Processing (monolingual or multilingual) for Vietnamese

  • Spoken language resources
  • Phonetics, phonology, and prosody
  • Speech synthesis and spoken language generation
  • Acoustic modeling and adaptation
  • Automatic speech recognition
  • Spoken document retrieval
  • Spoken dialogue systems
  • Speaker and language identification
  • Speaker diarization

Paper submission:

Authors are invited to submit papers of up to 12 single-spaced pages with 10pt font size, in English. All papers must be submitted online, in PDF format using Springer LNCS/LNAI manuscript submission guidelines (available at, to

Submitting a paper to the workshop means that if the paper is accepted, at least one author should attend the workshop to present the paper. For no-show authors, their affiliations will receive a notification.

Post-workshop Publication:

Authors are invited to submit an extended version of their workshop
paper for publication in a LNCS/LNAI post Proceedings of PAKDD Workshops published by Springer following a peer review process.

Important  dates:

  • March 9, 2015:    Paper submission
  • Extend: March 15, 2015: Paper submission
  • March 20, 2015: Author notification
  • Extend: March 22, 2015: Author notification
  • April 1, 2015:     Camera-ready paper submission
  • May 19, 2015:    Workshop date


  Workshop Chair:

  • Nguyen Thi Minh Huyen, University of Science, VNU, Hanoi, Vietnam

  Program Committee Chair:

  • Luong Chi Mai, Institute of Information Technology, VAST, Vietnam

  Organizing Chair:

  • Le Hai Son, Institute of Information Technology, VAST, Vietnam

Sponsors and Partners

VinBIGDATA   VinIF  AIMESOFT  bee  Dagoras            


 zalo    VTCC  VCCorp