VLSP 2016 - Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis for Vietnamese Language
1. Introduction
With the development of technology and the Internet, different types of social media such as social networks and forums have allowed people to not only share information but also to express their opinions and attitudes on products, services and other social issues. The Internet becomes a very valuable and important source of information. People nowadays use it as a reference to make their decisions on buying a product or using a service. Moreover, this kind of information also let the manufacturers and service providers receive feedback about limitations of their products and therefore should improving them to meet the customer needs better. Furthermore, it can also help authorities know the attitudes and opinions of their residents on social events so that they can make appropriate adjustments.
Since early 2000s, opinion mining and sentiment analysis have become a new and active research topic in Natural language processing and Data mining. The major tasks in this topic can be listed as follows:
- Subjective classification: This is the task to detect that whether a document contains personal opinions or not (only provides facts).
- Polarity classification (Sentiment classification): The objective of this task is to classify the opinion of a document into one of three types, which are “positive”, “negative” and “neutral”.
- Spam detection: The goal of this task is to detect fake reviews and reviewers.
- Rating: Rating the documents having personal opinions from 1 star to 5 star (very negative to very positive).
- Besides these common tasks, recently there are some other important tasks:
- Aspect-based sentiment analysis: The goal is to identify the aspects of given target entities and the sentiment expressed for each aspect.
- Opinion mining in comparative sentences: This task focuses on mining opinions from comparative sentences, i.e., to identify entities to be compared and determine which entities are preferred by the author in a comparative sentence.
For Vietnamese language, so far there is no systematic comparison between the performance of Vietnamese sentiment analysis systems. The VLSP 2016 campaign, therefore, targets at providing an objective evaluation measurement about performance (quality) of sentiment analysis tools, and encouraging the development of Vietnamese sentiment analysis systems with high accuracy.
2. Task Description
The scope of the campaign this year is polarity classification, i.e., to evaluate the ability of classifying Vietnamese reviews/documents into one of three categories: “positive”, “negative”, or “neutral”. Other sentiment analysis tasks can be covered in the campaigns next years.
3. Data
A review can be very complex with different sentiments on various objects. Therefore, we set some constraints on the dataset as follows:
- The dataset only contains reviews having personal opinions.
- The data are usually short comments, containing opinions on one object. There is no limitation on the number of the object's aspects mentioned in the comment.
- Label (positive/negative/neutral) is the overall sentiment of the whole review.
- The dataset contains only real data collected from social media, not artificially created by human.
Note: Normally, it is very difficult to rate a neutral comment because the opinions are always inclinable to be negative or positive.
- We usually rate a review be neutral when we cannot decide whether it is positive or negative.
- The neutral label can be used for the situations in which a review contains both positive and negative opinions but when combining them, the comment becomes neutral.
Some examples of data:
Pos: Đẳng cấp Philips, máy đẹp, pin bền. Đóng và giao hàng rất chuyên nghiệp
Pos: Tốt Giá vừa túi tiền đẹp và sang
Pos: Rẻ hơn Samsung J1 nhưng cấu hình lại tốt hơn
Pos: lướt web nhanh,chụp hình rõ nét, âm thanh ngoài trung bình rất xứng đáng với giá bán hiện giờ. pin đang trãi nghiệm (do mới sạc lần đầu)
Neg: Lâu lâu bị lỗi, màn hình cảm ứng không nhạy, chất lượng camera kém.
Neg: pin nhanh tụt, chỉ được xài 1 ngày.
Neg: Máy hay đơ màn hình, màn hình không nhạy dưới bên phải các phím M, N
Neg: Mình trả cách đây gần 1 tháng rồi
Neu: Pin khá hơn tí thì tốt nhỉ
Neu: Đẹp thật, tiếc là ram và pin chưa ngon.
Neu: Vậy là không hỗ trợ thẻ nhớ. Một điểm hơi lăn tăn.
4. Data Format
The dataset consists of 3 files:
- One file for positive reviews (POS file)
- One file for positive reviews (POS file)
- One file for neutral reviews (NEU file).
Two reviews (two documents) are separated by an empty line. For example, the POS file is in the form as follows:
Hình thức đẹp, chắc chắn. Âm thanh nghe hay, loa to. Giá hợp lý.
mua chống cháy nhưng chất lượng rất tuyệt
Máy dùng ổn định, chẳng lỗi gì cả
o',con này mình dùng được gần năm rùi,chưa thấy hỏng hóc gì,chạy ổn định sóng khỏe,phát 24/24 (trừ những ngày mưa to,sét đánh thì mình mới rút điện ra thui) giá nó <300k> thì phải,lâu không nhớ
Thằng ku kia nó mới phản pháo em. Nó kêu máy Acer bây giờ tốt hơn nhiều rồi. Nó lấy dẫn chứng là được nhận danh hiệu thương hiệu máy tính xách tay tốt nhất năm 2010 của Gfk gì gì đó. Pin dai, giá rẻ, cấu hình cao. Rồi bla bla. Chê con máy em lên xuống.
Rất tốt
Rơi mấy lần mà chẳng sao |
Recommendation on dataset size:
- 5000 reviews/documents for training.
- 1000 reviews/documents for testing.
5. Evaluation Methods
The performance of the sentiment classification systems will be evaluated using accuracy, precision, recall, and the F1 score.
accuracy = | # of correctly classified reviews |
# of reviews |
Let A and B be the set of reviews that the system predicted as Positive and the set of reviews with Positive label, the precision, recall, and the F1score of Positive label can be computed as follows (similarly for Negative label):
Precision = | |A ∩ B| |
|A| |
Recall = | |A ∩ B| |
|B| |
F1 = | 2 * Precision * Recall |
Precision + Recall |
6. References
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